Dear ICTF Members,
As proud president of the International Ch’ang-Hon Taekwon-Do Federation, I would like to first extend my most sincere thanks to everyone for all the hard work and dedication you have demonstrated to continuing our legacy and commitment to excellence. Our strength as a federation does not come from any one individual but rather because each and every Grand Master, Master, Instructor and Student and their families come together and support one another. We continue to grow because our foundation is strong and built upon the philosophy of Gen. Choi Hong-Hi and the tenets of Taekwon-Do.
I continue to travel locally, nationally and internationally visiting dojangs and meeting with other Masters and Instructors with the specific goal of maintaining strong what we have collectively created. One of the obstacles I have encountered is a lack of communication. We must keep lines of communication open and to that end I continue to make myself available to you. If things are working well please let me know. Likewise, should any fine tuning be required in order to keep things working smoothly, let me know. Last and most importantly, if you are dissatisfied let me know. It is only through open communication and trust in each other that any problems may be rectified and obstacles surmounted. Trust that I will be happy to give advice, offer differing perspectives and demonstrate true leadership based on my experience and dedication to the ICTF membership.
Dr. Grandmaster Kwan Jang Nim Cariati IX Dan
ICTF President