The 1st ICTF ITALIA Taekwon-Do Umpire Course was held in Rimini on 09th and 10th October during the weekend scheduled for the 1st level SNaQ training course.
The Umpire course held by M. Ivano Diodati V Dan, National and International Head Umpire , took place with a theoretical part on international rules, analyzing the various aspects of the new international regulation of Taekwon-Do ICTF, where the various points were analyzed, their respective applications and any interpretations.
Subsequently the practical part was treated with competition simulations, where the referees reviewed in practical form what they had previously discussed in theory. The task of the referee and the president of the jury was put into practice during a simulation of shapes (Pattern), to then move on to that of fights (Sparring), where the role of angular, central referee and president was simulated in rotation. of the jury.
As a final relaxation exercise, Mr Diodati had repetitive exercises done on referee gestures and the use of tone of voice during competitions.
However, a first appointment after a long period of stoppage caused by Covid has seen a great deal of interest, and soon new national and international appointments will see us operational again, with an unprecedented level of training for our affiliates.